MSc Programme in AgroEcology and Food Systems Development:

The Master of Science in Agro Ecology is an advanced degree program designed to provide Students with a comprehensive understanding of modern agricultural practices, research methodologies, and technological advancements. The programme integrates theoretical Knowledge with practical skills, preparing graduates for leadership roles in various sectors of Agriculture, including crop production, animal science, agribusiness, and sustainable farming practices.

Students who would enrol in the MSc programme will have to participate in 1-2 months Long internships in a local agriculture business, just before starting their thesis. This acquired Knowledge. The programme would allow students to confront the real-world agricultural practices, enhancing their professional skills and preparing them for successful careers in the AgroEcology sector, The internship component of the Master of Science in Agroecology programme is a pivotal Experience aimed at bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world application. Allows students to gain hands-on experience in the agricultural industry, apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios and develop professional skills that are essential for career advancement. The internship serves as a platform for students to explore their interests, build professional networks and contribute to ongoing projects within the industry. Admission Requirement: Prospective students must have a first degree in agriculture, engineering, sciences, or related disciplines with five credits at O’Level, including English and Mathematics, and practical experience.

Mode of Teaching: Physical and virtual
Degree: MSc Agroecology and Food Systems Development
Duration: A year's programme.

Note: Admission into the program starts April 2025. Admitted Students can be sent to any partner university in Africa or Europe to complete their studies.

DR. V A Enwerem
Associate Dean, Post Graduate